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rehabbing properties
In the world of real estate, time is money. With every rehab property, you work on it is essential that you find a buyer as quickly as possible. The interest payments, insurance, and taxes don’t stop until your property gets sold. The first 24 hours of any new listing is the best time to generate...
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If you have been in real estate for some time take a minute and think back to when you started. There is a good chance some of the decisions you made are downright laughable even just a few years later. Every day you are in the business should be a learning experience. Everybody makes mistakes,...
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Every member of your real estate investing team is important. All it takes is just one person to drop the ball to send you in scramble mode. This can result in increased expenses, delayed turnover and rocky relationships with everyone on site. If your investing focus is rehabs and flips perhaps the most important team...
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The real estate investing business is more than numbers and properties. You can spend your days studying charts and looking at trends but if you don’t do the little things it doesn’t make a difference. Every investor should treat their investing like a business. With this, there are a few important principals that should guide...
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If investing in rehab properties is your focus a quality contractor is essential. A good contractor will improve your bottom line and help get your projects done as quickly as possible.  Conversely a poor contractor will make every day on the property feel like a nightmare.  As wonderful as finding the right contractor is it...
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If you are a fix and flip real estate investor a reliable contractor is essential. Not only will they improve your bottom line on every project but they can create a great working environment.  Unfortunately good contractors don’t just fall on your lap.  It is not uncommon to go through several contractors on your way...
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There have been many changes to the real estate business over the last fifteen years. In the past if you want to buy a property you most likely used one of the many conventional loan programs there were offered.  You also need to lean on your local real estate agent to find good deals and...
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Rehabbing is currently the most popular form of real estate investing. Almost every new investor that enters the market wants to be the next great house flipper.  While this is certainly achievable there is plenty that can go wrong.  Things may look easy enough on TV but are often much more difficult than you may...
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Pulling off a successful rehab project is a lot more difficult than most investors imagine. You need to find the perfect mix of the right property coupled with the right improvements.  All the while you need to keep an eye on the budget and deliver quality work.  When everything works there are plenty of profits...
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There are multiple paths to rehab success. If you watch five different rehab shows you will see five different styles and personalities. What makes the real estate business so great is that you can invest to your personality. When looking at fix and flip deals there are a few things that most every investor looks...
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