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A quality rental property can completely transform your portfolio. The idea of having tenants provide you with monthly cash flow while reducing your loan balance is a very appealing thought. However, not every property makes a good rental. It is important to always do your due diligence on every prospective rental purchase you make. There...
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One of the most difficult business dilemmas is whether to pay for a task you know you can do. Even though you can save some money by doing it yourself it is important to ask what you are giving up to do so. This is a popular question with rental property owners. Rental property management...
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Successful rental properties are all about finding the right tenants. Once you find tenants that truly enjoy your property you can expect the lease to go as smooth as possible.  To find the right tenant your rental needs to stand out from the crowd.  There is plenty of rental demand in most markets.  It is...
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A buy and hold rental portfolio is one of the building blocks of long term real estate investing success. Regardless if you have one single family property or a pool of apartment buildings it is critical that you understand the numbers.  Omitting or miscalculating a few expenses can quickly cause a profitable looking property to...
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All investment properties are not the same. You can’t buy any property in any location and expect rent checks to start rolling in.  Like any other aspect of real estate it takes a number of items to be successful.  Without all of these items in order your ideal rental property can end up being a...
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There are many investors who are on the fence when it comes to buy and hold real estate. For every five investors who recognize the upside that rental property provides there are a few that focus on the negatives.  Between dealing with tenants, handling maintenance issues and protecting your property being a landlord certainly has...
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If you own a rental property long enough eventually you will be forced to deal with an eviction. In a perfect world you can reach an amicable resolution and quickly move on. A more likely scenario is that the eviction will linger for months impacting every aspect of your business.  Often times the actions you...
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Tenant screening is the most important step you can take to ensure you are renting to quality tenants. While nothing you do will ever guarantee good tenants you always want to give yourself the best possible chance.  By taking the time to screen your tenants and ask the right questions you can eliminate many bad...
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To run an efficient rental property you need to be a good landlord. There are many rental property owners who do not have the residual cash flow to hire a dedicated property manager.  This puts them in the front lines with all of their tenants.  Instead of treating it as a job you should think...
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Owning a rental property is one of the building blocks for long term wealth. If you run things right you can collect checks and build equity for as long as you own the property.  As great as this scenario may be you also need to take time and consider the alternative.  Regardless of your experience...
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