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flipping real estate
Anyone can rehab a property, but not everyone will be successful at it. From the outside it would appear that all you need to do is buy a property, throw some money at it and wait for offers to pour in. If you have ever flipped a house before you know that this is not...
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From the outside, flipping a house looks easy. If you watch one of the many programs on rehabbing and flipping it makes it look like every property is a winner. The reality is that if you don’t know what you are doing you can, and will, be disappointed in your results. This is the part...
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There are several key factors that go into a successful house flip. For starters, you need to get the property at a price that works for you. Overpaying on the way in will put you behind the eight ball throughout the process. Next, you assemble the right team and do the right work, all while...
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Getting a good deal on a rehab property is not enough to ensure a profit. If you buy in the wrong market it truly won’t matter how low your offer is. Prior to making an offer, or even exploring a property, there are a handful of key items you need to do your homework on....
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Everyone in business makes mistakes. When you are self-employed your mistakes tend to sting a little bit more. Instead of explaining yourself to a boss, there is nobody to blame but yourself. Under the right circumstances a mistake can be used a learning experience. However, if you continue to make the same mistake again eventually...
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One of the major components in a successful house flip is properly estimating your after-repair value. You can do great work on the property but if you are off the mark with your ARV the deal won’t be as successful as you anticipated. Experienced rehabbers understand that simply making improvements doesn’t always increase the value....
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There is more to real estate investing than quick flips and rehabs. While these types of deals are currently the norm, they are far from the only way to dabble in real estate. You can still build a long-term portfolio through rental properties, pass along wholesale deals or form a capital partnership. There are literally...
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Throwing money at a property does not guarantee success. The reality is that finding the right updates, upgrades and improvements is not about money, but rather doing the right work for the market. Simply throwing money at a property and expecting a return will leave you frustrated and disappointed. Savvy investors know that not all...
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Having a good deal fall on your lap is only beneficial if you know what to do with it. There will be times in your business when you will be presented with what appears to be a solid deal. Without even thinking you rush to take ownership with the intention of just figuring it out...
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People like to work with people they are comfortable with. Someone may offer a better price but if they aren’t comfortable with the individual or company they will most likely pass. As a real estate investor, your reputation is one of the most important assets you have. If a real estate agent, contractor or attorney...
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