In many markets, property values have taken off to levels not seen in well over a decade. It may be a great time to explore selling your home. Depending on the condition of your property, the buyer may be a cash buyer. While this is a typical practice, there are many nuances and slight differences when working with a cash buyer instead of a traditionally financed one. In this article, CT Homes explores the steps to consider when selling your home for cash, as well as some factors to keep in mind when accepting a cash offer. There are many benefits of selling a house for cash, and CT Homes is here to help! Selling a house for cash might be a rare circumstance, but you shouldn’t be overwhelmed by the process. Here are the steps for successfully selling a house for cash. The first step in selling your home for cash is finding the RIGHT buyer. Most cash buyers are quick and responsive and are happy to submit a cash offer should you be interested in one. Cash buyers don’t need more than 24 hours to get you an offer. When selling a house for cash, it’s always best to get multiple offers if possible. When ready to decide, remember that price is not the only factor to consider. The right buyer should offer the ideal price, inspection period, timeline, and terms that put you in the best possible position to sell your home for cash. There are many factors to consider when contemplating a cash offer for your property. Here are some questions you should ask before moving forward in the process. Work with a trusted cash buyer! Get a Cash Offer from CT Homes today! Most buyers have specific offer terms to consider before moving forward, even when selling a house for cash. Offer terms protect all parties involved and usually consist of these key factors: Make sure you know every section of your contract before accepting an offer. Take a few minutes and review the most common cash offer red flags that investors may include. When accepting offers, you’ll either sign a hard copy version of the offer or use an online contract signing service like DocuSign to execute the contract. Once you and the buyer have signed, escrow and title companies enter the transaction to help research any questions with title and coordinate communication. If the seller is unsure or has no preference for who helps with escrow/title, the buyers might have contacts. Once the offer is accepted, the transaction timeline begins! Sellers often avoid selling solo because of the paperwork associated with the process. The process is simple with an efficient escrow or Transaction Coordinating Company to help execute these documents. Disclosures are always required when selling your home or a piece of property (realtor or not) and give the buyer a clear picture of exactly what they are buying. Work with a local expert to fill out necessary disclosures for your property. There are several documents needed to complete the closing. It is always a good idea to enlist the services of a real estate attorney. Not only will they expedite the closing process, but they offer protection. Even experienced real estate investors are not versed in every contractual scenario. With thousands of dollars of EMD at stake as well as potential litigation, it makes financial sense to spend the money on a good real estate attorney. There are many benefits of selling a house for cash but make sure you understand the process! It’s a great time to at least explore the option of selling a home for cash, but make sure you know what to expect. Contact CT Homes to learn more about our cash as-if offers to expedite your real estate experience today! Get a Cash Offer for your property today!The Process of Selling a House for Cash
Step 1: Qualify Cash Buyers
Questions to Ask Cash Buyers
Step 2: Compare Offer Terms
Common Red Flags
Step 3: Accept an Offer and Open Escrow
Step 4: Monitor Major Deadlines / Complete Paperwork
Step 5: Closing Escrow
CT Homes Can Help With the Process of Selling a House for Cash!