
93% of Income Growth Goes to the 1%

Real estate investing has soared in popularity in the last couple of years and it’s no wonder why or where the wealth is going when you look at the numbers…

The disparity in income and wealth in this country has been growing at an incredible rate. In fact Bloomberg recently reported on the ‘Gini Index’ which shows “income equality has reached its widest point in more than 40 years”.

We are now more than ever a country of extreme disparity and polar opposites. A few years ago those with only 2 cars, 2 mobile phones and 1 McMansion considered themselves broke. Now we are seeing more Americans than ever living out of their cars and surviving on the Ramen noodle diet. While at the same time others are boasting 7 figure salaries each year and 8 to 10 figure stock options.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau 93% of the income growth is going to the nation’s top 1%, while the bottom 80% has seen their incomes continue to fall.

We were promised change, it didn’t come in the way most hoped and now Americans are told that it may be impossible to change the system from inside the Whitehouse.

So you can hate the system and hate the 1%, though that isn’t likely to put more money in your pocket at the end of the week. Or you can join them and then perhaps you can make a difference and give back to narrow the gap.

Fortunately you don’t have to be a geek or have the coding skills to launch a new tech startup to join the 1%. In fact, the figures show that a huge percentage of the world’s most wealthy have made or are making their money from real estate investing and even those who don’t claim it as their primary source of wealth are definitely investing in it in a big way too.

So whether you are already a 1%er and want to keep it or vie for the top spot on the Forbes 400 or you are broke, on the street and need a way to get ahead with no cash or credit real estate investing may be exactly what you need.
