
5 Ways To Promote Your Business

business promotion

In today’s day and age of advanced technology there are dozens of effective ways to successfully promote your business. While social media is currently the most popular it is far from the only option.  The increase in technology has made it easier than ever to spread your message and get your businesses name out.  With any marketing strategy the more diverse your reach is the more potential contacts you can make.  It may take some trial and error finding the strategy that works best but you probably won’t go in the red getting there.  There is more to generating interest than making a few random posts on social media.  Here are five out of the box ways to promote your business and get your name out to the masses.

  • Reach Out To Inner Circle. As remarkable as it may seem there are many individuals and business who fail to start with their inner circle. Regardless of the business you should always reach out to the people closest to you first. Even if you only plan on investing part time the people around you need to know you are involved in real estate. In most cases a simple email can do the trick. Without even realizing it you probably have dozens of email addresses of friends, family members, co-workers, school parents, dance studio mothers and soccer team dads that you can reach out to. An email explaining your position in the business along with a link to your website or social media pages can go a long way in generating interest. You also never know who the people around you know. Working with friends and family can get awkward at times but is also a great source of lead generation and potential deals.
  • Incorporate Passion. It is ok to incorporate whatever you are passionate about in your business. If you have a passion for animals, sports, fitness, wildlife, veterans, world hunger, motorcycles, or anything else you should promote that on your website or in your social media postings. Your passion should always be pro something instead of against it. It is no secret that we currently live in a delicate political climate. You may want to stay away from anything that will alienate one side or cause you to react out of character if someone else shares an opposing view. If you use your passion wisely you can develop a brand and a niche in your market. Being known as the real estate investor who donates a portion of all business profits to a specific cause can give you the inside track on a few deals you would not have otherwise had. Even if it is simply a conversation starter it can push you to work with new people who share a similar interest and passion. Don’t be afraid to get behind a cause that you believe in as long as you know your bounds.
  • Validate Expertise. People in business want to be around others they are confident know what they are doing. One of the best ways to stamp yourself as an expert is by putting something in print. This could be something as small as a blog or as grand as a book. Writing a book may be a little out of your reach but there is nothing to say you can’t write an eBook. Think about an area of the business you have worked and excelled in the past. Knowledge of the tax lien auction process or how to negotiate a short sale can be a valuable piece of interest that you can share with others. Your blog post or eBook can be visible on your website, posted on social media or shared with the people in your network through email. The more people see it the more likely that someone will be impressed with your knowledge and eventually want to work with you.
  • Local Radio/Print Publications. Promoting your business often means thinking outside the box. An area that you may not personally like can work much better than you think for your market. Local radio shows and print publications are a great way to increase your exposure. In most markets, there is a local weekly real estate and finance radio show. Start by calling into these shows every week and either asking a question or sharing a scenario that worked for you. After a few weeks, the producer will begin to recognize your name and you can inquire about possibly hosting your own show. A similar approach can be taken with print publication. Reach out to the editor and ask if you can submit a weekly real estate investing post. They will probably ask for some previous work but this can be a great way to reach thousands of readers every week.
  • Step Out Of Comfort Zone. Reaching new people means trying new things. You may not feel comfortable speaking in front of people but it can be a great way to promote your business. The same can be the case with submitting videos on YouTube or talking to people at networking meetings. Like anything else you do for the first time there will be some trepidation and awkwardness. However, over time you will begin to see results and eventually look back and wonder why you were ever nervous in the first place. The most successful networkers and marketers aren’t afraid to try new things and step outside of their comfort zone.

Every day you should do something new to promote your business.  With all the options available you can do something different every day of the week.
