
6 PR & Branding Tips For San Diego Real Estate Companies

PR and branding often take a backseat to the priorities of the average real estate investor. Besides a logo, branding may only include real estate website design and personal appearance, as new companies typically focus on sales and growth first. Those that lead in their markets and continue to stay on top take their PR and branding far more seriously.

A great brand can leverage a lot of business and bring in a lot more revenue. So what tips and tactics can San Diego, CA real estate companies and entrepreneurs put into play to improve their branding and PR and rocket their results?

1. Brand Identity

In order to have a strong brand, one that works and lasts, it requires a unified brand identity. This isn’t a factor of business that can be put off until later when the business is already successful. At that point, smart competitors will already have been moving in to lock up related domain names, phone numbers and more to siphon off leads and customers. Before any attempt at launch, these elements of a complete brand identity should be locked down.

It is also crucial to ensure synergy and harmony among all aspects of branding and company culture. A fragmented brand that contradicts itself or doesn’t make sense to target consumers is just going to make closing deals harder.

2. Watch Who You Hire

Who works for your brand is just as important as any other element of branding and PR. It doesn’t matter how much is spent on branding, giving back, participating in the community or blanketing the market with display ads if the individuals representing the brand are repelling potential clients. Everyone has their bad days, but some might not give a second thought to their reflection on the company, and that may not be good for business.

3. Choose Vendors Wisely

Vendors can be just as damaging or beneficial to real estate companies’ reputations. Are the clients you refer to title, mortgage, moving and insurance companies being treated with incredible customer service and great products?

The other side to this is that if vendors are engaged in shady business, even if it doesn’t involve any of your customers or real estate transactions, the perceived association can bring some pretty ugly and unwanted attention.

4. Strategic Partnerships and Alliances

Like great world leaders and generals, great real estate CEOs are proactive about developing strategic partnerships and alliances. They prioritize this, think tactically, and keep the big picture in mind. Landing a whale can be far better than 100 Minos, even if it takes a little effort.

5. Do it Right the First Time

It’s always cheaper to do it right the first time when it comes to branding and PR. Skimping on quality when it comes to building or rehabbing houses can get ridiculously expensive, fast. Talk about high cost branding – just ask GM and Nike about the billions spent to fix their ‘cost saving’ blunders.

6. Reputation Management

Reputation management is an ongoing, fundamental part of surviving and thriving in the real estate business. It should be proactive and part of core business planning, not only reactionary and done in panic when the punches are being thrown.
