
Today’s food for thought: What can You let go of this Week?

This is a post by one of our Team members (and JD’s wife), Debora Esajian… Enjoy!

“Every breath is an opportunity to receive and let go.
I receive love and I let go of pain.”
~ Brenda MacIntyre

Letting go sentence written on handThe act of letting go has been on my mind lately… this seems to be a reoccurring theme both for myself as well as my clients…

It seems to me that our general tendency is to hang on to all sorts of things: feelings, thoughts, desires, and material possessions…  “things” that we are attached to

We hang on to these attachments so tightly, even when they clearly cause pain and suffering…

More often than not, the larger cost of not letting go is the closing off of our hearts to both the world and ourselves.

This closing off generates fear and anxiety – pervasive feelings that pushes people into wanting to hang on even more…

Letting go is key in breaking this cycle…

Letting go isn’t easy and it takes work… it takes breathing through fears and anxiety and having the willingness to feel uncomfortable when all we want to do is go back to our old ways…

However, the beauty of letting go is that the more you do it, the easier it gets…

Letting go creates space for new things to come into our lives and it lifts the heaviness that so many times is present in our hearts.

What can you let go of this week?

If you like this post, you can find more at Debora Esajian’s website:
