
Top 3 Misconceptions About Working With a Real Estate Agent

Whether you’re buying a home or thinking about selling for the first time, you’ll probably want to work with a real estate agent. Unfortunately, there are so many myths and misconceptions about real estate agents that have been passed down through the years that many people are wary about hiring an agent. Many of these “facts” are just plain wrong. Here are 3 myths you may have heard – and the truth:


1.    Real estate agents will try to make you pay more because they’re paid on commission.


While most real estate agents do work on commission, it is typically only 2 to 3 percent of the home’s selling price – a fairly small amount of money, all things considered. A reputable real estate agent (and why would you work with any other kind?) will work with you to help you save on buying a home.


2.    When you find a home you want to buy, you should call the real estate agent listed on the sign.


The number listed on the sign is for the seller’s agent – and while they might become your buyer’s agent, they may not be the best one for you. Just like hiring any other professional, you should interview several real estate agents before choosing. You’ll still be able to see that home at an open house or through an appointment, so don’t lock yourself in to working with an agent before looking around first.


3.    Working with the biggest, busiest agent in town ensures quality.


It can feel reassuring to work with the top real estate agent in your area – at first. Unfortunately, the busiest agents are that way for a reason. They have more clients than other agents and may not be able to devote as much time as you’d like to your home search. Instead, interview agents to find somebody with quality and experience, as well as the time to be truly helpful.


Whether you’re selling or buying a home, your real estate agent will be your biggest asset. Don’t miss out on the advantages and benefits of a great agent. Learning about the common misconceptions that people hold about agents can help you overcome your biases and build a great working relationship, one that will make your entire real estate process much easier.
