
Organic Gardening

The definition of “organic gardening” is unclear. For example, some organic gardeners use liquid copper sulfate labeled in greenhouse displays as harmful to people and to fish. However, copper sulfate can be harmful to people and to fish. Here are some basic tenets or organic gardening that most people can agree on:

  1. Feed the soil. Great soil is the basis of a great garden. Improve the soil by using lots of compost or fish emulsion and by creating good drainage.
  2. Stop using lawn chemicals. Instead, take good care of your lawn so that healthy grass combats weeds and diseases.
  3. Keep up with your landscape chores. Well-watered, weeded and otherwise carefully tended plants seldom need the help of chemicals.
  4. Tolerate imperfection. When you have to deal with a pest or disease, unless it threatens to spread, take it in stride. If the affected plant is not likely to recover, tear it out and start over.
  5. Attract wildlife. Put up bird feeders, birdhouses and birdbaths. Plant flowers ans shrubs that attract butterflies and bees. You will create a complex micro-environment in your garden with its own set of checks and balances preventing pests and diseases from getting the upper hand.
